Unleash the Power of Creativity!

Local artist Lasha Barbosa invites you to step into the world of Arts INC, where creativity and passion fuel innovation and drive our community forward. Discover how this groundbreaking initiative is set to ignite new ideas, foster inspiration, and bring innovation to Wood Buffalo, enriching the lives of everyone touched by the arts. Whether you’re an artist or simply a believer in the transformative power of creativity, Lasha’s story will inspire you to see the profound impact Arts INC can have on our community. Get INvolved today and be a part of something INCredible!

About Arts Council Wood Buffalo

Arts Council Wood Buffalo’s mission is to build a thriving community through the arts, fulfilling our vision of a creatively empowered Wood Buffalo. ACWB is the leading advocate for the arts in Wood Buffalo, working to create a vibrant, diverse, and sustainable arts ecosystem by providing resources and programs that benefit local artists and the wider community.


Media Contact:
Emma Carter, Engagement Manager
Arts Council Wood Buffalo
email: emma@artscouncilwb.ca | 780-713-1948